Our exposure to Tea has mostly been to CTC Teas or English Breakfast style milk teas. These are mostly bitter which forces you to add milk or sugar or both to neutralize the bitterness. However if plucked carefully and especially during the drier season of First Flush (Spring Season from January to 1st Week of May), Second Flush (Summer Season – 2nd Week of May onwards to end of July) and Autumn Flush (October to December) we can find different textures and flavours in the cup. Teas from the season you don’t need to add any milk and sugar especially if it is well made.

These characters are also lost if they are blended. They need to sold as per the batch meaning it would have to be Single Estate and Single Batch.

Texture is the most basic flavour of your teas which you feel instantly. You will find it easier to imagine the flavour of the tea if you are familiar with the different textures and have experienced it before.

The different texture you can find are marine, mineral, earthy, herbaceous, floral, nutty, milky, sweet, fire, spicy, fresh, stone, malty, floral.  Mostly each teas are a mixture of these different texture.

The fines flavours then are forest, woody, grassy, vegetable, herbs, floral, citrus, fruit, berries.

You can try different teas and experience some of them.
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