Gopaldhara Gold (Thor) is one of the best Darjeeling セカンドフラッシュ tea in the Darjeeling hills, made by AV2 bushes. The tea is extremely full and expertly fully oxidized to extract all the flavour. It takes a lot of different processes to oxidize, without crushing and cutting the leaf. Every time you crush and cut the leaf you introduce harshness to the cup. This tea is very clean with absolutely no hints of astringency and harshness. It is honey-sweet with a very well-rounded Muscatel finish and notes of ripe fruits. It has been the best lot in the second flush muscatel category.
100% は機械を使用せずに厳選されています。庭師たちは、つぼみが目立つ最良の芽だけを摘み取るために、細心の注意を払って摘み取ります。標高 5,500 ~ 7,000 フィートに及ぶゴパルダラ茶園の頂上には、ダージリンで最も好まれているクローンである最高品質の AV2 ブッシュが植えられています。
This best Darjeeling second flush tea is super fine to taste and has all the characteristics of a premium tea. It brews into a very bright orange and clear cup having a smooth fruity taste and muscatel character. The finish is long, honey-sweet & captivating. It is one of our finest second flush teas and a must-try for every summer tea lover. With all these qualities it definitely qualifies to be named as the King of Teas.