Gopaldhara (RTE-89) Gold Thor Fruity Muscatel – Rare Hand Rolled Second Flush 2024 – Royal Series

Invoice No.RTE-89/24
ClassificationBlack Tea (Royal Series)
Grade NameFTGFOP1 Clonder Wonder Tea
ElevationTea has been grown: 5000-7000 FT
SeasonSecond Flush Mostly. Mostly Made during June
Cultivar VarietyAV2 bushes
Sorting StyleHand Sorted
Leaf Appearance DescriptionBrownish, well rolled with lots of golden tips
Infusion DescriptionBright coppery
Cup Colour DescriptionBright orange cup
Tea Drinking Experience (Mostly Flavour and Aroma)It is honey-sweet with a very well-rounded Muscatel finish and notes of ripe fruits. It has been the best lot in the second flush.

Packing Options:

MRP: USD 7.41
MRP: USD 13.91
MRP: USD 8.43
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